Enabling lasting transformation
The final episode of Season three takes a critical look at the role of knowledge, innovation, participation and financing instruments in enabling lasting sustainability transitions.
The final episode of Season three takes a critical look at the role of knowledge, innovation, participation and financing instruments in enabling lasting sustainability transitions.
Find out what can be done to amplify the voices of small-scale fishers among other marine users and what it takes to empower fishing communities in policy-making.
This episode travels to Ghana to find out how a co-design approach to Nature-based solutions is empowering local communities to build resilience to coastal hazards while also improving livelihoods.
A few weeks after COP28 drew to a close, the fourth episode of Season 3 is taking stock: How will climate change impact our coasts and seas, and what can and should we do in response?
In our third episode of Season three we are taking a critical look at biodiversity conservation and what is needed to effectively protect and restore marine biodiversity locally and internationally.
In this episode we ask why it is important to include a diversity of knowledge in ocean management and how local and indigenous knowledge holders can be engaged in a meaningful way.
The first episode of Season Three is about the challenges of achieving a sustainable ocean economy - and practical steps that are already being taken towards it.
This episode is taking the CLIMALG project and the Abidjan Convention as a starting point for a discussion of how knowledge-based solutions can support a sustainable blue economy.
This episode is dedicated to young voices in Africa and their visions of transformative ocean sciences in support of sustainable development.
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