Enabling lasting transformation

Show notes

The final episode of Season three considers what it takes to enable lasting sustainability transformation for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. Our guests, Dr. Jacqueline Uku, Chair of the African Ocean Decade Taskforce and former president of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), and Dr. Abdoulaye Diagana, Programmes Coordinator at the Abidjan Convention Secretariat, are sharing their thoughts on innovation, inclusion and finance and what can be done to create preconditions for successful transformation. For example, how can we improve equitable, gender-responsive representation in decision-making across scales? What role do we see for existing and innovative financing instruments, and can co-design approaches make projects more attractive for private and public investment? How can we encourage governments and the private sector to increase their spending on marine issues? So dive right in to hear about transformation already taking place and how innovation, inclusion and finance should be used to upscale sustainability transformation.

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